Understanding and Interpreting the Audiogram

Keywords: otology; hearing loss; conductive hearing loss; sensorineural hearing loss; mixed hearing loss; otosclerosis; superior canal dehiscence; Meniere’s disease; presbycusis; vestibular schwannoma; acoustic neuroma; non-organic hearing loss; Stenger test; noise-induced hearing loss; audiogram; audiometry; pure tone; pure tone average; speech perception; word recognition; monosyllabic; noise; asymmetrical hearing loss

Principles of Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer

Keywords: head and neck cancer; radiation oncology; squamous cell; oropharynx; larynx; hypopharynx; oral cavity; nasopharynx; oropharyngeal; laryngeal; hypopharyngeal; nasopharyngeal; systemic therapy; metastasis; human papillomavirus; HPV; gray; Gy; rads; radiation; fibrosis; mucositis; fractionation; hyperfractionation; external beam radiotherapy; IMRT; linear accelerator; particle; photon; proton; gamma; neutron