OtoRecall — Headmirror

We want to notify Headmirror users that OtoRecall is now once again available in the Apple App Store.  If you have not used this incredible (FREE) learning resource, check it out today! This free offering was made possible by the generous support of Cochlear Ltd, and Stryker Corp. Link to here: https://www.headmirror.com/otorecall

Headmirror’s OtoRecall is a free, spaced repetition-based, active recall flashcard app designed to optimize learning and retention for trainees in the field of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery and overlapping specialties. With thousands of cards covering every subspecialty within ENT, the app aims to provide a high-yield, easily accessible but equally comprehensive resource for trainees amidst a busy schedule.

Similar products are available for medical students training for Step exams; however, these often cost several hundred dollars under a limited subscription term. Thanks to the generous support by Cochlear Ltd. and Stryker Corporation, Headmirror’s OtoRecall app is freely available for anyone interested in efficiently learning the breadth of ENT.

The information provided on this app is for educational purposes only and is designed for use by qualified physicians and other medical professionals. By referencing this material, you agree not to use this information as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients who you are treating. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having. By referencing this material, you acknowledge the content of the above disclaimer and the general site disclaimer located on Headmirror.com and agree to the terms.


Getting started is easy. After downloading the OtoRecall app and creating an account, you will have the opportunity to customize which topics within ENT you want to prioritize learning. After making your profile on the app, you will encounter these options:

Note: The selections of which topics are turned to “active learning,” “previously learned,” or “off,” are always customizable within the Settings section of the app.

Answering Questions
When answering questions, you will select from 5 options that inform the spaced repetition algorithm how well you know the topic (1 being the worst, 5 being the best). The worse you know a topic, the more frequently you will see it again. Below is a general guide of how you should feel when selecting each answer choice:

Responses 2.png

If you would like to redo your choice after answering a question, simply click the three-dot dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner and select “Redo answer.”

If you would like to report an issue with a card (e.g., you think the answer is incorrect), the three-dot dropdown menu in the upper righthand corner has a “Report issue” button that will flag the current card in our system. We will then review this card for potential issues. If you would like to provide more specific comments regarding a card, please submit them here.

Cram Mode
The spaced repetition algorithm will be set to Retention Mode by default. Switching to Cram Mode allows you to see more new material with greater frequency. As a tradeoff, the spaced repetition algorithm will focus less on long-term retention of previously reviewed content.

Searching Content
Within the Library section of the app, the entire card bank is searchable by keyword, and each subspecialty’s subcategories can be reviewed in their entirety. This allows the user to quickly access and review specific cards of interest (e.g., prepping for a case). For instance, if desiring to review all the cards related to vestibular schwannoma, you can simply search “vestibular schwannoma” in the Library search bar, or you can go to Library, then Otology and Neurotology - Lateral Skull Base Pathology, and review all skull base topics in this category, including the primary cards on vestibular schwannoma.

Keyword search page viewed in day and night modes


App Abbreviations

Uncommon abbreviations (e.g., ABR) are defined within each paired question/answer in which they appear and do not rely on any previous question/answer. Common abbreviations that are not defined are listed below:


otorecall creation team


John P. Marinelli, MD
Tiffany P. Hwa, MD
Christine M. Lohse, MS
Matthew L. Carlson, MD

App Developer

ChimiChurri helps visionary entrepreneurs and startups go from idea to product. Headmirror's innovative vision was a perfect fit, and ChimiChurri assembled a dedicated and talented technical team to make it a reality. To learn more visit https://www.chimi.co.


Cochlear Ltd.
Stryker Corporation


© Headmirror Inc., 2009-2022. No part of the materials available through the Headmirror.com site or products developed by Headmirror Inc. may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Headmirror Inc.


Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Marc H. Hohman, MD
Tiffany P. Hwa, MD

Facial Trauma
Scott E. Bevans, MD
Tiffany P. Hwa, MD

Head and Neck
Briana J. Burris, DDS
Tiffany P. Hwa, MD
Armine Kocharyan, MD
Travis R. Newberry, MD
Kendall K. Tasche, MD
Kathryn M. Van Abel, MD
Matthew L. Ward, MD

Gregory R. Dion, MD
John P. Marinelli, MD

Otology and Neurotology
Matthew L. Carlson, MD
John P. Marinelli, MD

Pediatric Otolaryngology
Karthik Balakrishnan, MD
William H. Detar, DO

Rhinology and Sinus Surgery
Garret Choby, MD
Benjamin Walters, MD

Sleep Medicine and Surgery
Nicholas J. Scalzitti, MD
John P. Marinelli, MD

Other Contributors

David J. Archibald, MD
Benjamin Fletcher, BS
Karl Khandalavala, BS
Douglas Mack, MD
Lisa M. Marinelli, MD
Daniel L. Price, MD