facial nerve tumors; facial nerve schwannoma; Bell’s palsy; geniculate hemangioma; paraganglioma; microsurgery; radiosurgery
Tumor and Tumor-Like Benign Oral Cavity Lesions
Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Sinonasal Mucosal Melanoma
Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC)
Sinonasal Malignancies
Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Local Grafts and Flaps for Head and Neck Defect Reconstruction
Regional Flaps and Free Tissue Transfer for Head and Neck Defect Reconstruction
Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Temporal Bone Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Keywords: lateral temporal bone resection; subtotal temporal bone resection; total temporal bone resection; otorrhea; otitis externa; conductive hearing loss; otalgia; parotid; parotid tumors; malignancy; salivary gland malignancy; adenoid cystic carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma; parotidectomy; facial nerve; bell’s palsy; perineural invasion; metastasis; melanoma
Early Oral Cavity Cancer
Schwannomas of the Head and Neck
Principles of Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Keywords: head and neck cancer; radiation oncology; squamous cell; oropharynx; larynx; hypopharynx; oral cavity; nasopharynx; oropharyngeal; laryngeal; hypopharyngeal; nasopharyngeal; systemic therapy; metastasis; human papillomavirus; HPV; gray; Gy; rads; radiation; fibrosis; mucositis; fractionation; hyperfractionation; external beam radiotherapy; IMRT; linear accelerator; particle; photon; proton; gamma; neutron
Parapharyngeal Space Tumors
Early Glottic Cancer
Keywords: early glottic cancer; glottis; larynx; laryngeal; head and neck cancer; squamous cell; carcinoma; tnm; t1; t2; hoarseness; vocal fold; vocal cord; supraglottic; subglottis; transoral laser microsurgery; tlm; ktp laser; co2 laser; radiation; radiotherapy; voice; swallow; leukoplakia; dysplasia
Principles of Chemotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Keywords: head and neck cancer; medical oncology; squamous cell; oropharynx; larynx; hypopharynx; oral cavity; nasopharynx; oropharyngeal; laryngeal; hypopharyngeal; nasopharyngeal; systemic therapy; immunotherapy; targeted therapy; chemotherapy; chemo; cisplatin; PD1; PDL1; keytruda; opdivo; cetuximab; metastasis; human papillomavirus; HPV; pharmacology
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
Keywords: temporomandibular joint; TMJ; TMD; otalgia; bruxism; facial pain; locked jaw; grinding; myofascial pain; pain; migraine; headache; anxiety; depression; internal derangement; joint displacement; ankylosis; mandible; condyle; glenoid; huschka; malocclusion; oral surgery; oral maxillofacial surgery; trauma
Malignant Parotid Tumors
Keywords: parotid; parotid tumors; malignancy; salivary gland malignancy; adenoid cystic carcinoma; squamous cell carcinoma; adenocarcinoma; mucoepidermoid carcinoma; acinic cell carcinoma; salivary duct carcinoma; carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma; parotidectomy; facial nerve; bell’s palsy; perineural invasion; metastasis; melanoma