First of all, welcome to the new! All the co-authors have put a lot of time and effort into adding significant content to the site and I hope you find it useful!
There have been 1,260 days since I last wrote a blog post. In that time I've scrubbed over 1,000 surgeries, sewed countless lacerations, drained numerous PTAs (record: 5 in one night!), controlled too many epistaxes. I've authored papers, presented at meetings, and met more and more wonderful people within this specialty. I've traveled nationally and internationally. I've bought a house, got engaged, and adopted a dog.
The inevitable march of time.
More importantly, I finally have a sense of where I want to take my life after my training is done.
As I've always said, my main purpose of this blog is to chronicle the process. "The process" as it exists to me now is very different from when I started this blog, or even when I last posted.
I'll continue to share stories along the way, but I also want to ask if there are any specifics topics anyone would like to hear about. Let me know in the comments!