Matt Carlson March 26, 2020 Rhinology Esthesioneuroblastoma Matt Carlson March 26, 2020 Rhinology Keywords: esthesioneuroblastoma; olfactory neuroblastoma; endoscopic endonasal; skull base; EEA; olfaction; anosmia; kadish staging; hyams grade; Homer Wright pseduorosettes; small round blue cell tumor; neuroendocrine carcinoma
Matt Carlson March 26, 2020 Rhinology Invasive Fungal Rhinosinusitis Matt Carlson March 26, 2020 Rhinology Keywords: invasive fungal rhinosinusitis; mucor; aspergillus; sinusitis; lethal midline granuloma; fungal rhinosinusitis
Matt Carlson March 23, 2020 Otology Glomus Jugulare (Jugular Paraganglioma) Matt Carlson March 23, 2020 Otology Keywords: glomus; glomus jugulare; paraganglioma; jugular paraganglioma; jugular foramen; chemodectoma; MEN; von hippel lindau; familial paraganglioma syndrome
Matt Carlson March 23, 2020 Otology Otosclerosis Matt Carlson March 23, 2020 Otology Keywords: otosclerosis; middle ear exploration; stapedectomy; stapedotomy; footplate; stapes; conductive hearing loss; carhart’s notch; carhart; congenital stapes footplate fixation; tympanosclerosis
Matt Carlson March 22, 2020 Otology Lesions of the Petrous Apex Matt Carlson March 22, 2020 Otology Keywords: petrous apex; cholesterol granuloma; epidermoid; kawase; anterior petrosectomy; petrosectomy; gradenigo’s; petrous apicitis; dorrelo’s canal; meckel’s cave
Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology Temporal Bone CSF Leaks Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology Keywords: CSF leaks; encephalocele; meningocele; meningitis; otorrhea; Dandy; beta-2 transferrin; cerebrospinal fluid
Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology Facial Nerve Anatomy and Testing Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology Keywords: facial nerve; paralysis; synkinesis; bell’s palsy; Enog; EMG; Labyrinthine; Decompression
Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence Syndrome Matt Carlson March 21, 2020 Otology superior semicircular canal dehiscencedehiscencetulliothird windowVEMPautophony
Matt Carlson March 15, 2020 Rhinology Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) Matt Carlson March 15, 2020 Rhinology Keywords: AERD; samter’s; aspirin; aspirin sensitivity; eosinophilia; asthma; sinus; sinusitis
Matt Carlson March 14, 2020 Rhinology Anterior Cranial Base CSF Leaks Matt Carlson March 14, 2020 Rhinology Keywords: CSF leaks; cerebrospinal fluid; beta-2 transferrin; sinus; rhinorrhea; meningitis; sternberg’s canal; sphenoid; encephalocele; meningocele
Matt Carlson March 14, 2020 Otology Glomus Tympanicum Matt Carlson March 14, 2020 Otology Keywords: glomus tympanicum; glomus; paraganglioma; zellballen; middle ear; chemodectoma