Step Prep: 503 hourzzzzzzzzzz

So after all this hubbub, after everything of the first two years of medical school inevitably being tied to this day, I take Step 1 tomorrow.

I tried reviewing pharm today. My brain wouldn't cooperate. Took my last diagnostic yesterday, it said I'm right where I want to be.

Still sick, but what can I say? Life sucks, then you die.

Game face.

Step Prep: Day 19

6:00am - MedZag awakens for another day of relentless Step 1 studying. Man, he feels tired today.
11:00am - MedZag has to blow his nose.
11:15am - MedZag has to blow his nose, again.
11:30am - MedZag is noticing he sure is blowing his nose a lot today, and as he is noticing this, collapses into a fit of sneezing.
4:00pm - MedZag notices an insidious onset of headache, sore throat, and myalgias.

Well, crap. Of all weeks, of all days, my body chose 3 days before the boards to get sick. I know not who the culprit is: adenovirus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, or friends. I do know that this blows. No pun intended.

I've loaded up on the antioxidants and am pushing the fluids. We'll see if my immune system can muster one last Spartan defense before the big day.

Step Prep: Day XIVa (The Clotting Cascade Tribute Post)

Has it really already been two weeks? That just blows me away. Really, for as exhausting and monotonous all this board studying is, the hours and days fly by. Probably because every day feels the same.

I'm in the final stretch, I take Step 1 a week from Saturday, so I really only have 7 days left of studying. Which is probably a good thing, because my mental stamina is fading faster than your libido after starting an SSRI. I've been doing 100 questions + full explanations every morning, which normally lasts me from 8am-noonish. I then take a lunch break and have grandiose plans for the rest of the afternoon, but generally can only really buckle down and really concentrate another 4 hours before the caffeine-induced diuresis and pressure sores on my ass proceed to tell me I need a change of scenery. I go home, telling myself I'm going to "finish", and proceed to "study" till late. By "study" I mean have something open in front of me and distractedly "look" at it while not retaining anything. This has not bode well on me making any progress on any of the items on my steadily growing "You're Behind On This, Get Your Ass In Gear" List.

I'm starting to notice some holes in my study schedule. For example, I only gave myself 1 day to learn micro for the first time, instead of the 652 days required to memorize all the necessary info as I am quickly realizing. But finding time to plug in additional micro studying when I barely have the mental stamina to slog through 80% of the stuff I'm supposed to study for the day has not proven humanly possible. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to remedy this. Without the use of illicit substances.

At least it seems like all the effort has started to pay off, as my QBank blocks have finally started to climb over the last 3-4 days. Of course, each one feels like a fluke to me, and I still expect every next block to come back and give me a big fat 40% in my face, but so far it seems I've been able to stave that off. I think I've hit that quasi steady state where any additional info I learn is desperately trying to offset all the information slowly leaking out of the back of my head. We'll see. A week is hardly any time but a ton of time at the same time.

And only during Step 1 time does that seem like a good sentence to end on.

Step Prep: Day 7... or is it 8? I don't know anymore.

So I had all these "stay balanced" things planned into my study schedule. Gym time, free time in the evenings, all that wonderful stuff. Unfortunately, I think my schedule was a bit too ambitious and as a result those days I was supposed to be done at 6pm are more like 10pm and gym time has been forsaken to make up on lost sleep. But what other choice do I have, really? If I don't get through the material now, I won't ever... and the thought of going into the test having NOT finished a subject scares the crap out of me.

So much for balance.

I was ambitious, I mean, masochistic enough to believe I could get through all of neuro today. I did it... but it took me 10 hours. On a Friday night.

Questions continue to oscillate up and down for me. I'll do a pretty good number on a subject and think I have it hammered down then drop 15% in the same subject a day later. But the fluctuations are getting less dramatic and my scores are slowly trending up, even if it doesn't feel like it. I created an excel spreadsheet with a graph and trendline to prove it to myself. Yes, its gotten to that point. Today was a down day for questions. That coupled with the sadistic enterprise that was neuro and the fact that its Friday but I hardly noticed since it was just like any other day made for a pretty down day for me. I have heard of medical students being reduced to tears during board studying. If I was one of those more sensitive types, today probably would have been one of those days. Instead, I did what any testosterone-fueled male would do... and raged. I have developed a habit of verbally abusing my QBank when reviewing questions. OH! ALL I NEEDED TO KNOW IS THAT tRNA HAS 94 NUCLEOTIDES AND ENDS IN CCAGGG ON THE 3' END! THANKS USMLEWORLD! YOU'RE A GREAT HELP! I've also developed a habit of talking to myself when studying now. That's a new symptom.

14 more days...


Step Prep: Day 4

The Step 1 gods show no mercy or remorse. This is the forecast for the next week:

This was apparently a holiday weekend. The people I saw out walking and enjoying this wonderful weather sure seemed like they were having a lot of fun. Me, I had fun grinding my ischial tuberosities into my chair slogging through my first couple full days.

I tried to come up with some witty or insightful analogy for what studying for Step 1 is like. But all I could come up with is what everyone will tell you:

It sucks.

Now, this is the type of studying I could really enjoy if I was, say, reclining on a beach with a mojito with a 3 month deadline. It is after all a sort of review, and it's somewhat satisfying when you have those "oh! I remember that!" moments. But the short deadline and the long days add enough displeasure and stress to more than amply offset any enjoyment I may derive out of this process.

Questions are trending up for me. My goal is to get through all the organ systems this week then spend the next two weeks on a meticulous review of each subject/system. Renal and GI are up tomorrow. We'll see how my next NBME looks this coming weekend.

Breathe... and stretch.

So I have my final exam of second year on Thursday. While there is a certain degree of surreality to typing that (part of my brain still feels like its 2008... or 2007 for that matter), I am definitely looking forward to leaving the brain-desiccating monotony of the pre-clinical years behind. If finally hit me as I was sitting down to study today after lecture how close I am to being done with second year. And my brain thought: cool.

A couple posts ago, I talked about my plans for studying for Step 1 up until the end of class and my intensive 3 week period (namely: not studying, but simply "pre"-studying). Well, that was going well, until chatter around the lecture hall started slowly switching to boards, then becoming predominantly about boards, eventually becoming the all encompassing obsessive fixation of the class. The lecture hall soon became riddled with micro note cards, flow charts of the nephron, acid-base tables, and clotting cascades. And frankly, I am not a strong man. I hate feeling like I'm not doing something I should be (one of the many reasons I do not study in the school library). So I've acquiesced and started doing more QBank questions to at least give myself the illusion that I am trying harder. The results have looked something like this:

... I think if you ran a linear regression on that it'd have a negative slope. But the main thing that is so maddening is the up-and-down nature of it all. One night I'm feeling like the work is starting to pay off. The next... certain doom. I took a second NBME and I'm up 15 points from my previous score. Yeah! Still 40 points from my goal. Crap. It's finally starting to sink in what a bear of an exam Step 1 is going to be. Sure, everyone "knows" that but there's a difference between watching Twister on your DVD player and standing in the middle of a field as a F5 tornado descends on you.

So that's is where I am at. Less than 48 hours away from having to regurgitate my last syllabus. Either destined to pass or fail Step 1. Can MedZag make the final push and make up those 40 points to preserve his future career? Or is he just a cocky jackass for thinking he could accomplish so much in such little time, destined to practice primary care in Disappointment, KY? Stay tuned.