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Question: A 53 year old male undergoes oropharyngectomy and neck dissection for an HPV positive tonsillar carcinoma.  The pathology report for the neck dissection reads: "3 of 34 lymph nodes involved by squamous cell carcinoma, with the largest focus of metastatic tumor measuring 3.4 cm with extracapsular extension." Based on 8th edition AJCC staging criteria, how would the neck disease be classified using T,N,M staging terminology?

[Answer will be posted with next week's new question]

Answer to last week's question, "Oto Radiology" (February 18, 2018)

1) Midpoint width of 1.0 mm or greater
2) Operculum width of 2.0 mm or greater
Or, when it is greater than the width of the adjacent posterior semicircular canal