What's In a Name?
Question: You are performing a rigid endoscopic evaluation of a larynx in a 62 day-old infant, who had been intubated from day 0 of life through day 14 of life. The child has had a strong cry, but some difficulty with respiratory distress with activity and periods of crying. Prior to anesthetizing the child, you performed a flexible laryngoscopy and had some concerns that the true vocal folds were paretic as there was limited abduction bilaterally. On exam, you note a firm scar band spanning between the vocal processes, but identify a small posterior, mucosally lined sinus tract in the posterior commissure area. The remainder of your exam is negative. What is your diagnosis? [Answer will be posted with next week's new question]
Answer to last week's question, That Bites (June 8, 2015):
Angle's Class II Occlusion.