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Fievel Goes to Medical School.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Study, study, study, study, study, study, study.

I'm used to being swamped in medical school, but the stakes are definitely raised in MS2. Blink and suddenly you are 8 lectures behind. It requires a higher degree of vigilance towards a continual level of effort than MS1.

It's like running on a treadmill. Or a rat wheel. Stop for a second and the ground goes out from under you, and I recently had a pretty dramatic faceplant to remind me of that fact. The days are definitely blending together. It's already October. Daylight is getting to be a more precious commodity.

The advantage of being in my second year is that I'm used to this. The feeling of the rat race is a familiar one. But it still feels like you're doing a whole lot of running and not getting anywhere.